Dakota County Assessing Services staff are available to answer questions about your property valuation or classification.
Fill in the information below to provide details about your property and specific questions or concerns.
Once you submit your information someone from Assessing Services will contact you to answer any questions you have,
or to review your property information and discuss your value or classification.
Depending on the inquiry, it may also be necessary to schedule an appointment to conduct an inspection of the property.
Please enter the following Property Information
Searching for your Property Address...
Getting errors or can't find/verify your address?
Try entering just your house number, e.g. 1234.
Try entering just your street name, but exclude suffixes like Dr, St, Ave, Ln, Cir, etc.
Don't enter any special characters like #,&.
CloseApplicant Limit Reached! A maximum of four applicants can be entered on this form.
Contact (Required fields are marked with an asterisk *)
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Reason for Contact *
Timeout in 20 mins
Verify Dakota County Address
Select Business Address
Previous Address Not Found
You indicated your address is in Dakota County, however we were unable to locate it in our records. If your previous address was NOT in Dakota County please answer No to this question.
Otherwise, try entering just your previous Street Number or Street Name and choosing an address from the search results.
If you still can't find your previous address using the search it is still ok to proceed, just enter your previous address as accurately as possible.
Issue With Property Info
Sorry, something went wrong and we're having trouble validating the property information you entered, can you please go back and enter it again or reverify?
Submitting your information
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Session Timeout
You have been inactive for more than 20 minutes and your session has expired. br> Please reload the page to continue.